By nurturing self awareness and emotional agility in leaders, we foster the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions and those we lead. This enables us to empathize, motivate, inspire, and influence others, fostering trust and building strong relationships.

Additionally, emotional agility allows leaders to adapt to change, handle stress, and make thoughtful decisions even in challenging situations.

“75 percent of careers are derailed for reasons related to emotional competencies, including inability to handle interpersonal problems; unsatisfactory team leadership during times of difficulty or conflict; or inability to adapt to change or elicit trust.” Centre for Creative Leadership

“When people are allowed to feel their emotional truth, engagement, creativity, and innovation flourish in the organization.” Dr Susan David

Brett's unique skill lies in creating a space of safety and compassion, allowing those around him, including myself, to confront and embrace our inner challenges with grace. His intuitive approach has enabled me to view aspects of myself with more compassion and acceptance, facilitating significant personal changes.



LEADERSHIP COACHING: Utilizing the Enneagram, we explore your motivation, your strengths and growth areas. Through understanding your needs along with your style of action, thinking and feeling, you will more clearly see and realise your personal and professional vision.

#buildconfidence #focussed #authenticity #acceptance

TEAM COACHING: Your influence as leader and impact on your team, how you contribute towards team functioning and how you can maximize your effectiveness given the unique gifts and contextual challenges. Brett supports you to see your leaders holistically and guides them to see, respect and trust you.

Collective awareness and understanding of your team members, knowing how each person behaves, feels and thinks differently in order to foster understanding, empathise and ultimately support accountability. Fostering a healthy organisational culture!

#understanding #trust #accountability #insight #motivation

TEAM WORKSHOP: A bespoke half or full day workshop brings the motivations, strengths and challenges of each individual into the room, with careful consideration and safety. Done effectively, Brett holds safety in balance with vulnerability in order to have each individual see and value one another. The net result lands teams onto a common page with a new perspective of one another. One which builds connectedness, efficiency and trust!

#trustbuilder #businessculture #respect #truthtalking


“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate” Carl Jung

The Enneagram is a powerful personality framework that offers deep insights into human behaviour and motivation. Its greatest gift is in helping us become aware of the lens through which we view ourselves, others and the world. It gives us the potential to understand and accept the “box” we create for ourselves and from which we engage with and experience the world.

The Enneagram consists of nine distinct personality types, each with its own core fears, desires, and patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. The Enneagram goes beyond superficial descriptions of personality and behaviour by delving into the underlying motivations and unconscious patterns that drive our every thought, feeling and action.

By understanding your Enneagram type, you can grow helpful self-awareness and find a personalised roadmap for personal growth. It helps you recognize and own your gifts & greatness (your strengths) as well as areas for growth and improvement. It promotes empathy and understanding in relationships, and provides a framework for developing healthier behaviours and breaking free from self-limiting patterns.

The Enneagram's value lies in its ability to guide individuals toward self-discovery, personal transformation, and more fulfilling and meaningful relationships with others. It invites us to step fully into ourselves with grace, groundedness and deep appreciation.